Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Cruise Ends and New York City is Crazy!

Our last sunrise to enjoy on vacation.

Statues in the Theater

Statue in the Dining Room

Shrek on 34th Street in New York City

Docking in New York City

34th Street

Karen at the top of the Empire State Building

It was so windy that my fur coat was blowing away.

Wondering why the long face on Alan, then read the journal.

A view from top of the Empire State Building

Another view from the Empire State Building

So many tall buildings in New York City

The Hudson River
Day 12 Disembarkation Day

The morning of disembarkation was a relaxed one. Since we didn’t have to catch a flight we took our time enjoying a wonderful breakfast and sitting in our cabin until it was time to leave. Usually, guests are asked to leave their rooms and wait at another location but we were allowed to enjoy what time we had left. Our bags had been picked up from outside our door the previous night so all we had to deal with were our carry on, laptop and camera bags. I saw the Empire State Building from our balcony and took a picture of it and hoped that I could also get a picture of our ship from the Empire State Building. We disembarked around 10am and Alan was able to find a wheel chair for me to use, as my poor body was hurting after all the walking I’d done. We were able to find our luggage easy but it took time to find a porter to pick up the luggage. Alan had to wait in line for one. One finally came and I waited out by the curb with the luggage until Alan returned with our truck. All in all it was easy and soon we were on our way to find the Empire State Building. I was so glad that I had brought my heavy fur coat with me, as the weather had turned extremely cold and windy. And with being in the Caribbean for 12 days our bodies weren’t accustomed to the cold.

We drove to the Empire State Building and that was an adventure in itself. We couldn't park in the garages due to our truck being 2 inches too tall so we had to find a place on the street to park. We finally found one a couple of blocks away. Then when we got inside the Empire State Building I asked Alan where the camera was...it was in the truck so he walked all the way back to get it. My camera had started acting up and I thought it was due to the batteries being low so I found a gift shop inside the Empire State Building and bought some new batteries. We purchased our tickets and went up the elevator only to be stopped at a floor where we had to wait in a long line just to have our picture taken. This was something we definitely weren’t about to have done as we were in kind of a hurry so we could get back to Baltimore in time to pick up Teacup. After going through the line they put us back on the elevator to go up the rest of the way. After putting the new batteries in my camera it still isn't working so we ended up buying a disposable one at the gift shop on top of the building. Alan took a quick picture of me and we hurried back down the elevator. I had to go to the bathroom so bad and when I asked where one was after we got to the bottom I was told I'd have to go up to the 2nd floor or I could go across the street. I didn't go. I needed something to eat so I got myself a California Wrap to eat in the truck, Alan didn't want anything, and he was a bit tiffed about everything, especially the commercialism of the Empire State Building. It wasn't like this the last time we had visited. When we got back to our truck we found another souvenir, a parking ticket! We were parked in a ‘No Standing’ Area and we weren't the only ones with tickets on our vehicles. I was checking out my camera after getting into the truck and found that it worked just fine and that it apparently had something to do with my larger zoom lens. I took a quick picture of a Shrek balloon in front of Macey's on 34th Street. We finally got out of NYC and could relax. It was truly an adventure and I told Alan we'd look back on this adventure and laugh at it someday...but not this day. Soon after we were on the freeway back home Alan stopped at a rest stop where I could finally go to the bathroom. Our drive home was nice and we listened to radio stories all the way home. I ended up taking a nap a couple of times. We got back to Baltimore by 5:00pm, in plenty of time to pick Teacup up. We grabbed some dinner at KFC and called it a day. Alan got up for work Thursday morning and I bounced out of bed so I could go to work as well. Needless to say we're glad we only had to work Thursday and Friday before having a weekend. Vacations are wonderful, aren’t they!

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