Sunday, November 16, 2008

Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes

Our day started out with a good breakfast and then on to the Park and Ride to catch the Hunt Valley Coach to New York City. We were on our way to Radio City Music Hall in the Theater District of New York City to see the Rockettes in their Specatucular Christmas Extravaganza! The bus trip only took a little over 2 hours to get there even in the rain. By the time we arrived the rain had stopped. We headed towards the theater which was a couple of blocks away. It was exciting being in NYC with the holidays just upon us. We were on Broadway and decided first to check out the Garden Theater where Mamma Mia was playing hoping maybe we would have time to see it before returning home but we didn't. That means we'll have to take another trip to NYC, maybe in the spring and maybe take a ride in a carriage around Central Park too. We stopped at Starbucks for our daily drinks. Their store reminded us a little of the way the Starbucks layout in Salem, Oregon was with large windows and a counter in front of them so you could 'people watch'. We sat at a small table instead close to the restrooms as there was a long line. This would prove to be something we'd have to get use to as everywhere we went that day to use the restroom there were long lines. We enjoyed our drinks and headed on to Radio City Theater. It was fun seeing the sights, such dazzle!

We went on inside the theater and found our seats and I took pictures of the immense theater. Before walking through the golden doors that lead us to our seats there was lots to see. First upon entering the theater was a huge Christmas tree done up entirely of Svorkisi crystals! It was beautiful! There were murals on the walls and several places selling show souviners. I bought a DVD of the show since it was their 75th anniversary and we could enjoy watching it at home too. We bought a program that had lots of beautiful pictures from the show and with our purchase we got a bonus, a sturdy canvas Christmas bag designed like a drum. Alan took a good picture of inside the theater for me before the show started and then I put the camera away and we turned off our cell phones. The show was spectacular, we wore 3D glasses when Santa told us to put them on. These special affects were great! Snow and presents all around us. The dancers and singers were top notch and watching it at the famous Radio City Music Hall was place to see it. After all it was designed especially for the Rockettes. The show even included a scene from the Nutcracker and done with giant bears. There was even a Nativity scene at the end of the show with live animals in it!

After the show we walked to the front of the Rockerfeller Center where their Christmas tree had arrived the day before. The scaffolding was up so the work on decorating could begin. It wouldn't be lit until December 3rd though. There were ice skaters skating in front of it. We went inside the Rock as it's called to find a restroom since the line at the Theater was way too long. We had the hardest time fiding a restroom inside as it was HUGE. We kept going up and down different elevators and found a restroom but it was closed so we found one of the security people and they helped us out. They knew right away we were visitors....LOL. We finally found it and yes, another LONG line but it was going fast. What a relief! Afterwards we asked another building person where we might find a place to buy batteries as my camera batteries died. It was only around the corner inside the building. We could watch the ice skaters from inside the Rock as there were gigantic windows where you could sit and eat while watching them. We didn't eat there as we had decided we'd go to Ted's for dinner. We were trying to find our way back outside which was just as hard to do as finding the bathroom but everyone was helpful and soon we were back outside. I wanted to take some pictures of the tree and front of the Rock so we walked all the way around the block till we found a place I could do that.

It was about 4:00 so we headed on to Ted's for dinner. On the way we passed St. Patrick's church, another photo opportunity. Soon we were at Ted's. It was a nice restaurant and had a bison head hanging on the wall. The place reminded us of the Black Angus restaurants we had gone to in Oregon and Washington state. Alan and I shared a shrimp cocktail. It was served with saltless crackers, something different. The restaurant was a Green restaurant and explained how it uses paper straws and drink stirs instead of plastic. The menu was interesting as it gave the calorie of each item including their drinks. We ordered the BBQ bison short ribs with mashed potatoes and green beans. Then for dessert Alan and I shared a brownie served with a small scoop of ice-cream on top of it and warm espresso syrup....boy this was wonderful and not too much. We could've oreded one each but I didn't want to be that bad...LOL.

We were done with dinner by 5 and headed towards Broadway to check out Time Square. On the way I saw a Deli that had some candy and told Alan I wanted to get some to take back for people at my work. We found some that was in shape of Poker Chips and we thought it appropriate since Slots had just passed in the election for Maryland. We didn't vote for them and told others why we thought it a bad idea. Anyway, I also found some German candy and got it for my boss who is from Germany. Night time is definately the time to see it with all the lights. We weren't the only ones who thought so either as everyone was there...and it wasn't even the start of the holiday season yet! We walked down to Time Square and even went inside Toys R Us. Boy, that was a mistake, it was head to head people so we squirmed our way back outside. It took us an hour to walk there and back to where our bus would be meeting us at 7. After dealing with all the people we decided we needed to take a break so we stopped at Applebees on Broadway and had a couple of drinks to unwind. I needed to take another potty break so I asked where it was and it was on the 2nd floor. What is it that they can't be more convenient? I took the elevator up and it took forever, those older elevators do and the restaurant had 4 floors. On the way back I thought I'd try just taking the stairs only to find it was 3 long flights down due to the high ceilings. The restaurant was decorated with all kinds of Broadway paraphnelia and so interesting to look at. We left Applebees and headed across the street to where our bus was going to pick us up. There was a street vender selling purses and Alan saw one he thought was 'me' so we bought it. It was a real leather purse for only $10, that cheaper than I could find it anywhere here. That's why people go to NYC to shop.

Our bus arrived and we hopped on just as it started to rain. We had left my umbrella at the theater as it was too big to carry with us. My handy small one was at work. On the way back the bus driver played the Christmas movie, Prancer, the story of Santa's reindeer. It was a cute story. We arrived back home by 10:15, a half hour earlier than expected. We had a wonderful time in NYC. The weather was fairly warm too, guess that's due to the fog keeping the coldness away. Our next adventure will be on December 7th. We'll be going to Lancaster, Pennsylvania on the bus to see Ebenezer Scrooge at a dinner theater there. Should be fun!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Autumn is Here

This is a picture of the front of the basket on my scooter. Yep, I have a scooter and love it! I'm able to enjoy places a lot more like the zoo and when we go to Washington DC I have no problems zooming around. This was the best investment we made this year! It was wonderful having on our last cruise and will once again come in handy on our cruise in December. The basket can hold all kinds of goodies like my bottle of water when I'm out and about. Teacup loves to go to Fort McHenry for a walk so we pack up the scooter and away we go. Everyone that sees my scooter loves the decorations. I already have the Christmas and New Year decorations ready but they won't go on until December. Now all I have to do is decorate a hat to match my basket!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Karen has decorated the basket on her

scooter with autumn flowers and a

scarecrow. She is in front of the waterfall

at the National Zoo.

This little guy thought it was as much fun watching

us as it was for us to watch on him.

It was a beautiful day to go to the zoo. Alan loaded up my scooter and away we went. The drive to DC was gorgeous with all the autumn colors along the way. We spent the entire day there. Parking has gone up a lot since the last time we went 4 years ago but the zoo still has free admission. It was the first time we got to go through the entire zoo since I now have my scooter to get around in. We saw lots of animals there except for the giraffs. Apparently, they were sent to Florida 2 years ago. They are my favorite animal. We didn't see any elephants either, not sure where they were, certainly not in the elephant house or their outside pens. Maybe they went with the giraffs. There's a lot of construction being done where the bears and elephants should be. The tigers and lions were there and I got some good pictures of them but the best was the cheeta. The seals were enjoying sunning themselves, it was funny. We got to watch the zoo keepers feed the sea lions and they got their exercise by going after a frisbee that was tossed to them...of course they were rewarded with fish. The prairie dogs thought the visitors were as interesting to watch as we watched them. The bald eagles looked happy, one was on a branch outside while 2 more were inside a nesting box outside. The gorillas decided it was time to go inside before I had a chance to take their pictures, guess they're camera shy. The giant panda bears were the best of course. They didn't even look real as they ate their bamboo. They looked so cuddly. All in all it was a fun day at the zoo and I even got a souviner bucket of popcorn. That will come in handy to keep Teacup's treats in. The National Zoo is a nice zoo but I still can't wait to go back to the west coast to visit the San Diego Zoo, now that's a zoo to see!